Portfolio Management

We specialize in building and managing diversified investment portfolios by using strategies along with Lotusment’s and sub-advisor strategies from Morningstar, Envestnet, Orion and Zacks IM platforms.

Financial Planning

We can develop financial projections for clients who are accumulating wealth for retirement, as well as retired clients who are relying on investment income to support their lifestyle. 

Portfolio Management

We specialize in building diversified investment portfolios and managing portfolios with discretionary trading authority, by using strategies along with Lotusment’s and sub-advisor strategies from Morningstar, Envestnet, Orion and Zacks IM platforms. Our portfolios typically invest in multiple asset classes, countries, and industries.

At the beginning of an advisory relationship, we work to understand each client’s financial situation, investment objectives, and stated risk tolerance. These factors ultimately determine a portfolio’s strategic asset allocation range. Clients also may decide whether their portfolio should be invested with a focus on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) considerations.

We manage our clients’ investment portfolios on an ongoing basis by making adjustments based on ever-changing market conditions, valuations, and various other factors. As an independent firm we have access to investment research from a variety of sources to guide us in our portfolio management decisions. However, our portfolios must remain within our clients’ risk profile ranges to maintain long-term investment discipline.

We would welcome the opportunity to provide more information about our investment strategies and answer any questions you might have!

Financial Planning

Although portfolio management is our primary focus, we can help with certain financial planning activities.

We can develop financial projections for clients who are accumulating wealth for retirement, as well as retired clients who are relying on investment income to support their lifestyle.

Orion Planning’s Advizr provides multifaceted software for financial planning, it provides account aggregation to our clients with a clear outline of their holdings and easy review of their investment allocations. Many of our younger clients utilize this software for budgeting purposes and planning; essentially creating their own financial plan. This is currently available at no additional cost as an added benefit of working with Lotusment, and helps to keep our clients organized and focused as well as involved in the process.

We do not provide advice about estate planning and preservation strategies, as we recommend clients speak with an attorney who specializes in these areas.